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Food Services

Children need healthy meals to learn and eating a nutritious school breakfast has been shown to support students’ academic success, wellness, and physical well-being. Groton Public Schools offers healthy meals every school day.  

Setup Your SchoolCafe Student Meals Account

Groton Public Schools Student Nutrition Program is now on SchoolCafe!  

  • View your student's meal balance 
  • Add funds to their meal account via credit or debit
  • Set-up autopay or low balance reminders
  • Fill out the Free & Reduced Meals Application Electronically

Go to You'll need your student's ID number to create their acount.  Any funds that were remaining in your student's MyPaymentsPlus account have been rolled over to their SchoolCafe account.

Contact Us

Kristina Roberge

Food Services

Please reach out to us with any questions or if you have a leftover school lunch balance that you'd like refunded.

Breakfast Menus

FebMiddleBreakfast (PDF)
FebHighBreakfast (PDF)

Lunch Menus

Elementary School

FebElemLunch (PDF)

Middle School

FebMiddleLunch (PDF)

High School

FebHighLunch (PDF)

Elementary Food Service Managers

Ebbie Abbott

Locations: Catherine Kolnaski

Denise Clark

Locations: Charles Barnum

Margie Finley

Locations: Mystic River

Cynthia Korteweg

Locations: Northeast Academy

Sandra Sineiro

Locations: Thames River