Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope this message finds you well. We want to emphasize our commitment to creating an environment that promotes all students' sense of belonging and emotional safety. We believe students can thrive academically and personally when they feel emotionally safe.
One of the critical elements in creating emotional safety is the presence of teachers who are responsive to their students' needs. Building trusting relationships between teachers and students is fundamental to developing a responsive environment. As parents and guardians, you can expect our staff to try to get to know your child individually and affirm their diverse identities. By affirming their identities, we show genuine care and respect for each student while recognizing and valuing their knowledge, life experiences, and culture as assets to our school community.
Addressing bias language is a district-wide focus and priority in line with our commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive environment. A bias incident refers to noncriminal conduct motivated by hatred, prejudice, bigotry, or ignorance directed towards an individual or group based on race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. This may involve hateful imagery, language, or actions.
It is important to note that our response to bias incidents will follow protocols and practices, prioritizing the impact over the intent behind the actions. Regardless of intent or whether the actions were purposeful, it is crucial to acknowledge the harm caused to the targeted or affected person. By prioritizing impact, we recognize and address the emotional harm caused by bias incidents.
We have established key components in our approach to address such incidents effectively. Firstly, we have developed a multidimensional framework incorporating prevention, intervention, and long-term education. Secondly, we have defined five strategies to address incidents: interrupting, asking questions, explaining impact, broadening to universal behavior, and connecting to the historical context.
Additionally, we ensure that incidents are reported and documented to parents, guardians, and administrators. We aim to restore the safety of those harmed and provide support and resources as needed.
However, these strategies and protocols are not to supersede district policies and school regulations on bullying, harassment, and discrimination. In the event of an incident, our standard practice is to inform a school administrator and support staff, such as school counselors, social workers, and psychologists, if necessary.
Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of attending to the aftermath of such incidents. Targeted and impacted students may require space and adult supervision to process their emotions. Confidentiality will be maintained for all involved parties, including those allegedly responsible for the bias incident.
Lastly, while consequences may be appropriate for those who have caused harm, our response protocol includes educational and intervention components. By combining consequences with education, we aim to create a learning opportunity and promote personal growth.
We appreciate you support and collaboration in promoting a safe and inclusive environment within GMS. Taking time at home to discuss bias, racism, and other bigotry is critical in helping us create a safe environment for all students. We can foster a sense of belonging and emotional safety for all students. Thank you for partnering with us in this critical endeavor.
Jemal Davis
Assistant Principal and Coordinator of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion