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All clubs dismiss at 4:15 p.m.

Students may take the late buses or be picked up at the 2nd floor bus entrance at 4:15 p.m.

Student Council

Student Council is a full year commitment what meets monthly after school in room 221. See ParentSquare calendar for meeting dates.

Ms. Curtis and Ms. Amaral are the facilitators of Student Council. 

Newspaper Club

Newspaper Club is facilitated by Ms. Mokrzewski and meets Wednesdays after school in room 301.

Yearbook Club

Yearbook Club meets monthly and is facilitated by Ms. Curtis and Ms. Amaral. This club meets in room 117. Meeting dates can by found on the ParentSquare calendar.


D&D Club

This club meets on Wednesdays after school in room 215 with Ms. Montanaro.


E-Sports and Gaming Club

This club meets on Wednesdays after school beginning November 13th in room 123 with Mr. Heilmann.